Friday, September 28, 2018

Dog In A Bottle Clipping Mask

In this project, I wanted to put a dog in a bottle. I understand the scale is not realistic but I faded the dog a little so it would look like it was behind it, and I added light to it to make it more realistic. I thought it was one of the easiest projects we have done all year.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Clipping Mask

For my name project, I wanted to add three of my favorite teams but I didn't want to show all three logos, so I added the Royals stadium and then I added a picture of the beach. And for the Jayhawks, I liked the baby blue with the white stroke and the picture of Chalmers hitting the three was perfect. With the background on the name, I added a pattern and thought it looked cool.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


It took me multiple times to find a picture of a street that wouldn't be blurry in Photoshop, but I found this one that's in Kazan, Russia. I thought it was a good picture because it had a street coming from the left and coming from the middle. I thought I could do a lot with this picture with the Lambo and the man running across the street. And then in the back street, there were cars and I didn't want to have them showing so I put the street closed sign to make the picture better. For the Stealth Bombers, I wanted to have some type of plane and the people around me had regular planes so I wanted to mix it up. I had the same thought for the hot air balloon, I wanted to fill in that space over there and no one else had a hot air balloon. For the King Kong and the Fire Hydrant with a smiley face, I wanted to add some humor in it but I still feel like it looks real. And the McDonald's sign adds the most realistic factor with everywhere you go, there is a McDonald's.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


The only thing I used to move the pictures was Magnetic Lasso and I finished early so I added an Eggplant, Carrots, and Fries to make a body and then added a picture of Mexico in the background.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Name Poster

I learned how to space words, put shadows behind words, and using stroke. This is made up of my family, sports, and singers and I wanted to make a theme of red to keep it kind of neat. I think by this project, I got better at Photoshop