Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Logo Project

This project was fun and it was using what we have learned and using it in a logo. My favorite logo was the baseball one because I like baseball, There were easy parts of the project and hard parts but it was fun.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


This project was a good way to learn how to use Illustrator. But the hardest part was making the letters on the rectangle the same gradient as the rectangle. But overall it was a fun project.

Friday, October 19, 2018


I thought this project was easy but when I exported this to the blog, it changed the color so these aren't the original colors.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Basic Shapes

I like this adobe program because it was really easy and it seems easier than Photoshop. There seem to  be more controls but when you get the hang of them, it will be easier.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Magazine Cover

In this project, I used color replacement to change the color of my jersey. The original jersey color was gray with orange and white lines so I think it looks a lot better then the original. Also I changed the color of the numbers on the back of my helmet and the X on my bat. I tried to make this look as real as possible by adding the teasers and the barcode. And lastly I added an ad to get the real feel from a magazine. One struggle I had was when I was adding borders and put in blogger the white border made the magazine look smaller then it was so I added black to it.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Join the Crowd

In this project, I used my imagination to come up with the best thing ever. This was personally my favorite project because I got to use my self in a project. I think the hardest part was having to magnetic lasso my self and have it not look bad.

Face Swap

 Derek Jeter with Chance the Rapper Face

In this Project, I struggled a lot by first, not finding a picture for the first couple days that would work. And then I finished the Derek Jeter with the Chance Face but doing the opposite was a lot harder for me because the face color was really hard to match because I couldn't figure out how to do. And it took a long time to figure it out but I finally did. I liked the project but to me it was hard. I think the hardest thing for me was finding 2 pictures that were not to different in size.

Chance the Rapper Face with Derek Jeter Face

Monday, October 1, 2018

Motion Blur

I think motion blur makes the picture look better because it focuses on pone person instead of the whole team and it looks way cooler. This also fits because Pooka Williams is the best player on KU.


I did this picture because I like KU and this picture is very popular so this exact thing has been done before.