Tuesday, December 18, 2018


This Project was by far my favorite because it made us use all the stuff we have learned this whole year. I liked that we only had 3 days to work on it because it kept me on task and I didn't have to worry about being off task. My favorite part of the project was making the movie title because you can be the most creative on it and personally, I think mine is the best one.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Travel Brochure

This project was fun but the things I struggled with was timing, because I spent so much time on the inside part, I left 20 minutes for the outside part so I should of had better time management. But overall I really liked the project.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


In this project, I used my skill of Indesign to create this masterpiece. It took me about a week to do three lines of the Pledge of Allegiance but besides that, it was fun.